Obama has Kurds’ blood on his hands.

Obama has blood on his hands He signed a declaration that Turkey can defend itself? Against the Kurds?
We have 2 bases, Incirlik and Izmir, in Turkey.
Obama made a deal with Turkey that Turkey wouldn’t shoot our planes down if we launched strikes against ISIS. Having to get that permission defies logic, when we are using our own established air base, but Obama sought permission anyhow.
The strikes against ISIS are just to keep them in check, not to destroy ISIS by the way. He could have destroyed them at anytime.
Turkey has been doing business with ISIS and kept the smuggling routes open for them, in return for the black market oil, at drastically reduced rates.
Obama really wants to run strikes against Syria from that base. Like I said, strikes on ISIS is just cover.
Now, to the Kurds.
Turkey attacked the Kurds. Then there was an attack in Turkey against some Turk students, who actually ended up being mostly Kurd students. The Turks blamed the Kurds. The Kurds deny it. Why murder their own. (see the set up)?
Now, Obama has given his blessing to the Turks to bomb the Kurds.
The Kurds are, and have been helpless. They are surrounded by Isis, Iran, and the Turks are after them.
Meanwhile, Obama has been using the Kurds to get coordinates on where ISIS is, to strike them.
Obama has turned on the Kurds like a snake now. Tells you he no longer needs their info. Should ask yourselves why that is, unless it’s in the Iran deal, or a side deal too. Giving Iran lead on ISIS fight.
The Kurds are the only ones who have been successful in their defense against ISIS. Obama refuses to arm them. Now we know why.
The Kurds are no longer useful and are targeted for genocide. No help is coming.
There is no way to rescue them. We can’t get in there, even if Obama wanted to, which he doesn’t. He is not really fighting ISIS, so he doesn’t need the intel from the Kurds.
Iran and Turkey are fighting for the dominance in this Caliphate that is coming together.
You are watching WWIII take shape.
The countries in the region and Putin are choosing up sides. The West is complicit. I hope you are not thinking they will be untouched. Think again.
With Obama and the Europeans flooding themselves with Muslims, it is only a matter of time before war hits home. They already have millions strong armies and adding to it every day.
When the others fall, Obama can be “The One”. just as they all said he was.
I wish we knew this then.

This is a Caliphate. Erdogan sees it as a return to the Ottoman empire. He and the Ayatollah both want the top spot in the empire. So does Obama it seems.

The Jews, Christians, Yazidis and Druze will fare no better than the Kurds. They too are marked for genocide.

Truth round up. No PC.

Listen folks.
We are in a world of shit and we are being punked.
Our own govt has turned against the people.
All we are is an ATM machine to enable the commie agenda they have been working on for decades.
We play that stupid game of voting for the lesser of evils, which always ends up we got the worst of evils.
We are asking the same people who got us here to get us out.
Why would they?
They spent all this time getting us here.
We have work to do.
We blow money on the UN that hates us, countries that hate us and flood us with their scourge of refugees and illegals.
We fund the banks that screw us.
They get sued.Nobody goes to jail. The settlement never makes it to the treasury, instead funding more commie orgs and attacks, and the customers pay the fines. Nice racket. They should all be tried for RICO crimes, including the AG & DOJ.
We borrow money only to hand it over to other countries, as well as the UN, IMF, World bank, BIS, etc. They hate us, yet we fund 70% or better of their operations. Tell them all to kiss off!
Why would we send money to countries and support all the illegals and refugees they send? Who are we supporting that we pay twice?
Wake up.
You do know the people these countries are sending are not Rhodes Scholars and business people who will benefit the country.
Plus, we have an immigration system. Use it!
I say we upgrade our system to mirror Mexico’s and if they have a problem with it, tell them G F yourselves. We learned it from you. Stop funding the weapons they hand over to cartels. Stop assisting their govts that stab us in the back. They will get the message real fast !
Start deducting, per head, for each illegal they allow through their country and their own citizens that end up here. If it’s more than what we send them, include a bill. If it’s less, send the difference. What’s this paying for it twice BS?
Use the savings to upgrade our computer systems. It seems every frikkin’ Commie or Muslim country has unfettered access. Put some security on that crap!
What’s that BS about?
The regime is cutting our military to allegedly save money, but everytime you turn around, the same regime is starting some new social experiment that costs trillions, like Obamacare and it sucks. The shit doesn’t have the intended result. Ever. Just more blown money.
Meanwhile enemy countries are gearing up and nuking up. Wake up people. That’s a disaster of our own doing.
We fast track riot restoration.
WTF is that about?
You break it, you own own it . F.k “Em.
Let’s talk about race.
It seems it’s the only thing that gets the lazy public’s attention.
It’s all a lie.
You don’t get to choose your race. Grow the f’k up!
Blacks should be more concerned about other blacks than some long dead general & his wife they want to dig up.
Truth isn’t always pretty, but that’s the truth.
If you can’t see the real killing and who is doing it, you are willfully blind.
Make an effort to learn the truth, or you are destined to suffer the lie.
Quit erasing history. You are robbing future generations of their history.
That flag, is another bs story. Don’t you realize how orchestrated that tactic was?
140 years people have known it’s an historic icon.
All of a sudden, some clearly photoshopped, made up punk, is holding a flag. Then more all of a sudden the whole country, on the same day, attacks the same thing?
Wake the F’k up, you are being had!
I wouldn’t be surprised if the dead guy didn’t die of natural causes and this was built around it.
Look at the pics of Dylann Storm Roof. Even the untrained eye can spot the discrepancies.
Gender. That’s another steady 7+ years diet of crap we have been on. There are women, there are men, ands there are those with gender ID issues. It is not new. It is not a reason to go bananas as a country.
There is no gender war.
That too would be f’k’n stupid.
Who wins a gender war?
I’ll tell you.
Politicians win gender wars, oh and race wars. Not you. Again, grow the f’k up! You are being had.
Gay agenda is a tough one. Again we have been fed a steady diet of acceptance.
You know what, it’s the gays who are not accepting. It is they who have turned out to be the oppressors. Striaght up bigots. You can’t claim you are a victim, if you are now a perp.
They specifically target people of faith, instead of going about their business and getting on with life.
Parading through the streets naked and mocking lewd acts is not done i n a normal society, no matter your sexual preference. Knock the shit off.
You claim you love kids but want to expose your privates where kids are, is not loving kids. You wouldn’t put up with that if it were straights doing it.
Stop the separate rules for favored groups. Now!
It is destructive.
We are not tribal regions, no go zones and whatever other separation tactic they try.
Start acting like Americans first. Try that. Screw diversity.
One for all, all for one. E Pluribus Unum.
We need to come together and stop all that I got me & mine, so screw you & your attitude.
Let’s talk Soros and his ilk.
You know the billions that prick is spending.
Do you think he is doing it, because he likes blowing money?
It’s a tactic.
Look at every other country or bank he has touched.
He incites division then overthrows the country. That is what is happening here.
Create division & anger. Incite violence and mobs. Overthrow the country’s govt by infiltration & force. Then install the usual commie regime that is already waiting in the wings.
How do you think we got Obama?
This diatribe is not pretty.
It is not PC.
It is however true. Every frikkin’ word!
I’m ready!
Bring it baby!

Stand up. Stand together. This IS the big one! Baltimore is just a piece of the big pic/

The enemy is not each other.
That too is orchestrated.
Look at this mess.
Balcks hating whites. Blacks hating cops. Is he trying to get more blacks killed?
They are outnumbered and outgunned. WTH?
Whites have no idea what they did wrong. They have spent their lives trying to make up, engage with minorities. They don’t know why they are rejected.
Nobody alive ever was a slave and nobody alive ever owned a slave.
Be rational for once, while we still can.Eventually, they will give up.
Look at the hate for cops. Cops are low man.
Yes they enforce the laws, but who keeps making these oppressive laws?
The politicians make laws. They impose extravagant fines and regulations that are so numerous you must assume everything is illegal.
Then they send the cops out to enforce those laws.
Now the cops don’t trust the people and the people don’t trust the cops. It was a very effective tactic.
After that, you have your low common sense people who vote the same way…for change. What frikkin change are you expecting from a politician who hasn’t delivered in 30 years?
You might want to consider this IS CHANGE, that took them 30 years to get us here!
The politicians you see out there marching with the rioters are the real reason they are rioting. It’s easier to blame the cops.
Those low rent wannabes from the universities are idiots. They fancy themselves as some sort of revolutionaries, because their totalitarian Marxist professors told them they were.  In the meantime they are just useful idiots.
What Revolution was ever held to put you under the control of an oppressive Communist, totalitarian system? Grow the F’k up!
You are not revolutionaries. You are idiots and so is whoever is paying for your education!
The radical left politicians and groups bus these stupid little commies from place to place. Then bitch that the out of towners are stirring up trouble. Well isn’t that why those groups trained them? Isn’t that why Lisa Fithian, who was on the ground in Ferguson & NY makes the big bucks?
Isn’t that why Shabazz, Nation of Islam, Answer, RevCom, Sharpton, NAACP, union goons and all the ACORN groups are on the ground at these riots? Isn’t that why Soros spent $33Mil in Ferguson to get the party started? Hell, even Amnesty International & the UN had a presence there.
Of course they demand the Feds step in and take over the police. It was the goal to start with!
Think about it. The Administration has decimated the military. They have federalized the States’ National Guard by keeping us in a state of war. If they Federalize the police, who protects you from an oppressive government ?
Gray, Brown, Garner, Travonne were all vessels. If not for the agenda, they would not have made page 8 in the local papers.
It’s all a tactic. It started in Cambridge Mass. Remember, the Cambridge Police acted stupidly?
Then Trayvone. It really got legs there.
From there Ferguson, NY, Baltimore, Oakland, Boston, Denver, Atlanta.
They are very effective.
Add that to everything else federalized, the suing states, nuns, bakeries.
It’s easy to blame the cops and each other, but if you do, you are really and dangerously missing the big pic.
Stand up. Stand together. This IS the big one!

I have a plan to hijack the riots .

I have a plan:
Baltimore was not a spontaneous uprising.
You all know who the organizers, the bag men, the sugar daddy, the cabal in our Administration and the minions under them
It is too late to train people but we still have a playbook.
It’s time for America to show up at these organized and planned riots to shut it down. Shadow the marches. Hijack them.
We should start by all showing up at Sharpton’s march to “Shutshitdown”! Hijack it!
Make sure Al the snitch is exposed for the fed hack he is as part of the mission. He is the camera hog. They see his face first and often. Polarize him. Demonize him. Expose him as a fed snitch.
Learn to flashmob, fast
Recon the movements and leaders. Pay attention to the fliers/ notices, then go there too.
Watch the kids. If they are sharing texts and fliers, you share them too!
Watch the high school kids. See who is texting them. Share the info with social media. Then show up in huge numbers.
As soon as you see a notice of a rally, share it and show up. The sympathy rallies at universities are the easier to shut down.
Seattle riots began & ended at a university.
These are same wimps who need safe rooms because they are too sensitive to hear opposing views.
Chicago, Boston, Denver all university orchestrated marches. Those are the easiest to hijack. Just say boo to the little pissant, trust fund babies who want to get down with the brothers, so they have stories to share over the summer in the Hamptons. Remember they are pussies.This weekend they will riot. Monday they will be running for a safe room if a conservative shows up on campus.
The rougher city riots will be more difficult and possibly dangerous.
Same thing, shadow the marches. Bring moms dads, grandma, Papa aunts & uncles, especially if they are locals. All races.
The city riots will take overwhelming numbers, but remember, there were maybe a thousand violent people. The rest were peaceful. You can fit 3 thousand people into just one tall building there, so a thousand in not a big number.
If we stand shoulder to shoulder and trail them, block them from destroying things, etc, the fun will wear off. That cuts their numbers even further.
Outshout and shame the organizers. Bring Bullhorns, drums, sirens, anything that makes noise.
Dress in a dark, uniformed shade clothing. A sea of black, navy, or deep reds is intimidating and makes your crowd look bigger than it is.
If the cops are being told to stand down, that’s even better. They won’t get in our way.
Imagine the shock if while Al the snitch Sharpton & his band of merry Marxists were marching, and all of a sudden thousands of us swarmed the route, shoulder to shoulder, preventing the violence, looting, damage and mayhem.

The rallies are in many cities. Not just DC. Make plans to attend.
The organized groups have a playbook. Steal it from them. There’s your plan!

What I learned from these riots are they are effective. They worked. That means they will get worse. At this point it is more dangerous to do nothing than it is to do something. Anything! Soon!

Is Obama As Unstable As He Seems? Time To Consider It!

Obama hasn’t been looking right in a while. I think his mental state has deteriorated, to the point of dangerous since BiBi was re-elected.
He’s making threats, having tantrums, trying to coerce others into harming Israel. Obama is on a mission to destroy BiBi and Israel.
I think his mental illness is in full blown melt down.
He is scrawny, sallow, blurry eyed most of the time lately. Profusely sweating, even when it’s chilly.
Now this absolute public display of irrational rage is causing great concern as to his actual mental state.                                                                                                                                                              The child-like petulance, which is getting worse, is particularly disturbing.
The man is unstable.
I am serious.
It is time to have the guy evaluated.
Look to the 25th Amendment, section 4, for guidance.”

25th Amendment

Amendment XXV

Section 1.

In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.

Section 2.

Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.

Section 3.

Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.

Section 4.

Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.


Hillary’s Happy Camp: ” Hello muddah, hello faddah, here I am at, Camp Whitewatah…” (humor).

Go to Hillary’s Happy Camp they said. It’ll be fun they said.  We’ll have a joyous re-educational experience.
At the camps, we have Hunting, for emails, Fishing, for documents, Swimming, in scandals.
Our chief camp counselor has “horsing-around, back riding with Bill” excursions.
Plus we offer “private servers”. Oh, and bartenders.
At the recreation pavilion get together with other “guests” for game night featuring skill games like race cards, house of cards and Kim Jon, er Mahjong.
We feature a fully equipped gym with the most advanced equipment like lightweights, gender jumpers and tread on me mills.
Take a stroll down memory lane and discover the hidden truths, I mean beauty, of a bygone era.
So come to Hillary’s hide out, make that hide away.
Discretion advised and rigidly enforced.

” Hello muddah, hello faddah, here I am at, Camp Whitewatah…” <quote via Libbash Johnson.

The Deal With Iran Is Not Only made, It’s Being Implemented

Here we are, thinking there is a fight going on over an impending Iran deal.

I have news for you. The deal is already made and being implemented as we speak.

You all know Obama has freed up substantial assets of Iran’s.

You also should know he has been in negotiations with Iran for years.

We told everyone two years ago that Valerie Jarrett was holding secret talks with Iran in Qatar. That was confirmed by the Israeli newspapers, shortly after we had first mentioned it:

And, countries that formerly supported sanctions are already doing business in and with Iran as we speak.

Israeli Paper: Obama Adviser Valerie Jarrett Holding Secret Talks With Iran

Today, an article was published stating Iran and Hezbollah had been removed from the terror list.:

US intel report scrapped Iran from list of terror threats

The US Senate has said they are not onboard with this deal and sent an open letter to Iran stating the deal would not be binding, if it excluded the ratification by the US Senate.
That flipped the Administration out. Obama threatened to go over their heads to the UN.
Obama was reminded no deal nor foreign body supersedes the US Constitution.
Obama is sly. He knows that, but it doesn’t matter.
Here is how he will do it:
What he will do is to get the UN member countries to lift their sanctions. therefore making the Repubs irrelevant,
The rest of the world will remove the sanctions and the Repubs will be the only ones blocking the US from doing likewise.
I do not have faith the Repubs will stand their ground, even though they are correct. The pressure will be insurmountable!
Once they cave, it will then be called a treaty.
Whether or not the Repubs ratify it, the rest of the world will not sign on to new sanctions.
Only the US will be acting and dealing with Iran via third party.
They will go around themselves by way of a third party broker.
That brings me to this. Here we are squabbling about a pending deal, when in reality there is already a deal in place and being implemented right before our eyes.
Now we are supporting the Mahdi Army in Iraq, to fight ISIS.
They are Hezbollah Elite. (Muqtadah Al Sadr), trained by Iran to destroy the Iraqis, now tasked with fighting ISIS in Iraq.
We took Tikrit back, but are now turning it over to Mahdi Army.
This should tell us we have already entered a deal with Iran to turn over Iraq.
Maybe it’s a pre nuke deal,prelude to the final draft,  but this part is not about nukes.
This part is about territory and already being implemented.

Iraqi militia loyal to radical cleric joins Tikrit offensive.:


Another note of importance: If it seems we are acting as though this deal with Iran is like a social plan, more than a military, or national/world security plan, it may be because we have a social worker negotiating the terms.Her name is Wendy Sherman:

Two Women, Catherine Ashton and Wendy Sherman, Key Shapers of Iran Deal


Sherman attended Smith College from 1967 to 1969, and received her degree from Boston University in 1971 in the field of sociology and urban studies.[2] In 1976, she earned a master’s degree in social work from the University of Maryland. She subsequently began her career as a social worker, before going into politics.

Now you know where Harf, Psaki and Hillary got the word “empathy” for our enemies and the claim they need jobs and economic boosts.

We have social workers and community organizers making the deals.

You can also forget trying him for treason. You can’t give aid and comfort to the enemy, if they are not declared enemies.

Exclusive: Major nations hold talks on ending U.N. sanctions on Iran – officials

Major world powers have begun talks about a United Nations Security Council resolution to lift U.N. sanctions on Iran if a nuclear agreement is struck with Tehran, a step that could make it harder for the U.S. Congress to undo a deal, Western officials said.

The talks between Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States — the five permanent members of the Security Council — plus Germany and Iran, are taking place ahead of difficult negotiations that resume next week over constricting Iran’s nuclear ability.


Hillary isn’t hiding emails from us. She is hiding emails from “them”!

I have come to the conclusion that Hillary is not hiding her emails from us.

She couldn’t care less about you, me, the rules, or any of that.

She is hiding those emails from the Administration, Obama, Valerie Jarrett and John Kerry.

Hillary knows there is no love loss between her and them.

She also knows they are equally cut-throat as she is and would not hesitate to use any damaging information they may come across, to blackmail, or control her.

Hillary knows them, because she is them.

Think about it.

The elitists are afraid of her.

She is smart and not scared to go rogue.

Like them, she has studied every loophole.

This is not Hillary’s first rodeo.

Think of who the players are at her level . That is who she is in a fight with. That is who she is playing the “game of thrones” against.

Kerry wants to be President. Like Hillary, that has been his lifelong goal.

He is in contention with her in foreign policy matters.

The Obamas and Valerie Jarrett hate her. They have built an empire and they cannot trust Hillary to stay “their” course. Hillary has her own course.

Kerry would continue the agenda in lock step with the Obama, Val Jar types.

Warren is a wannabe. She is the shiny thing that is out there to take your eyes off what else is going on.

She is certainly not as viable as a Hillary , or a Kerry.

Back to Hillary’s emails.

They are Hillary’s ace in the hole.

The others “got nothing on her”.

Do not underestimate Hillary.

I guarantee she has something on them all.

Don’t underestimate any of them.

This is a high-stakes, back-stabbing, cut-throat game. Not for wimps.

None of them give a care about us. It’s not about us. It’s about money, power and control. She will be keeping her control.

(updated): They couldn’t stop her. Most of them have private accounts. Holder, Jarrett, Kerry, probably Obama. We know some high level dept heads are using personal accounts too. Remember Lisa Jackson? If one gets brought down, they all must.

Another point: Hiding those Benghazi emails and being the only one in control of them has it’s benefits!

The wolves are at the door and Obama is feeding them the sheep,

I don’t really care how many politicians and their flunkies tell me I need empathy, or 800 years ago Christians battled Muslims.
I will never be able to embrace an organized group who murder, rape, maim, enslave, immolate and oppress.
I never have and never will.
To me, the people telling me how I should acknowledge their grievances, or feel something for their economic situation are the real screwballs.
When they tell us all the Jihadis need are jobs and a hug, I want to puke.
It isn’t economics that cause them to commit these atrocities.
Bin Laden was a Billionaire. Nidal Hassan was a military shrink. The countries that are sponsoring them are filthy rich.
Right there you know it’s BS.
Last night on Megyn Kelly’s show, Gen McInerney said three times that “we are giving aid and comfort to the enemy”. A General does not use those words loosely.
He would be absolutely correct if we actually had a named enemy.
The Administration has removed the Jihadis from the enemy list.
Remember Biden said the Taliban are not our enemy per se?
Nobody in the administration will say who the enemy actually is.
How can you give aid and comfort to an enemy that is not named?
So far, the Jihadis are in control of territory once liberated by the US & coalition.
Now it has fallen into the hands of a worse regime.
They have all the weapons, vehicles, bases, supplies, uniforms, and everything else we provided or left behind.
When they run out, we even find ways to “accidentally” airdrop supplies to them.
Yesterday, as political cover, that should backfire, btw, the Administration announced a spring offensive for Mosul.
Tell me, who gives away a battle plan?
They said when, how many, where, . Are you kidding me?
Folks. We are in trouble.
The wolves are at the door and Obama is feeding them the sheep,
He is no “Sheepdog”!
He’s a wolf too!

He is not battling Islamic extremism. Obama is battling America in defense of Islam.

He is not battling Islamic extremism.
Obama is battling America in defense of Islam.
He is quieting the masses by scolding and shaming them into thinking we are some kind of irrational phobic society. The Islamic version of the race card to be exact!
It is to lull you into accepting the Obama assisted Caliphate.
Why do you really think he backs the Muslim Brotherhood?
Why do you think he and his flunkies are touting Islam as if it were an economic ideal?
Why do you think he is holding secret meetings with Iran?
Why do you think he refuses to even acknowledge an enemy?
There is a global Islamic Caliphate marching unimpeded and Obama is leading it.
He has given them every asset he could, up to and including money, weapons, bases, territory, training, supplies, vehicles, and when they run out, he “accidentally” airdrops more in.
He has shackled our military who are left in Iraq, Afghanistan, even though they are surrounded.
He has refused to aid Egypt, Jordan and Libya.
He has completely severed any communications with Israel’s president, although he is actively trying to defeat Netanyahu, using his whole campaign army of commies and radicals to do it!
The man stood in front of us for the last two days telling us how rotten we are.
His summit is a collection of Muslim leaders, if you can call them that.
He gave us a whole class on Islam yesterday, as if we were students of Islam and he was the Imam.
The man is a traitor. No he does not love America.
He despises it!