Smart politics 2016 A strategy.

I think we should quietly organize behind Walker.
Don’t get me wrong. I love Cruz as well, but I am concerned about that solid Senate seat Cruz occupies. Who would fill that? It’s something we should check on.
I think Cruz is very valuable where he is now. I am scared about losing such a strong voice in the Senate.
Strategy, not emotion wins elections and makes real change.
We should quietly organize and make it happen, while all the others draw the Left’s attention.
I hope Fifty candidates run. It will drive the left to drink, trying to keep up. Create chaos while our guy is supported and propped up on the DL. A Dark horse all nice & fresh and vetted already by the biggest unions, the whole Dem machine and the leftist media.
They tried really hard to take him out and came up empty handed.
We should just shut our mouths. Plan the strategy.
Tighten up those early primaries so they are closed not open. No need to have the Dems decide the Repub nominee. They will cross over. They already know who they want too, so they will vote the weakest link. That’s how McCain went from dead last to frontrunner.
Have everyone play along with the game, but behind the scenes work as hard as one legged Riverdancers to get Walker elected
We tell each other the plan. Then every day, or two, we make a big deal out of the others, to confuse the left and make them dig for dirt on the decoys. Wear them out.
Let’s use the left’s playbook.
Alinsky said” above all, make it fun”.
People love an adventure. Let’s have some fun creating chaos for the left.
The worst thing we can do is infight and shred the candidates. Let the left do that.
If you don’t like a candidate, don’t go off. Answer with I am keeping my options open, or I haven’t satisfied myself as to any candidate yet.
We need to fight the opponents. Save the energy for that..
Call them out. Make them hold up their own standards. Control the message.
We create the news and let them react.
Refuse to talk about the subjects Obama wants to focus on.
Every time they try, manipulate the subject back to what you want to talk about.
If they pull the race card, tell them race card declined. Maxed out. When race is a personal choice I’ll fight, but for now, you blew it and end the conversation.
Put them on defense. Never let them have the upper hand.
Mockery and ridicule are great tools. Make them look stupid.
If you don’t know the answer to a question, don’t try to BS. Change the subject, or answer with something you do know about. Turn it around and ask them a question you already know the answer to . Then hammer them to put them on defense.
Don’t be afraid to accuse them of sexism, racism, islamo-deniers, warmers, socialists. Compare them to communists and tyrants. Accuse them of intolerance . It works.
Like I said: “Strategy wins elections”!


Some thoughts after writing this:

A good machine got Obama elected. The machine created the emotion. They controlled the message. Use that playbook to create those very emotions in voters towards the candidate we choose.

 I think Cruz is already in a position where he can be very useful. I think Scott Walker is a great candidate. He appeals to Americans from all segments of our society. He has done great things in Wisconsin. The people there love and respect him. If he could save Wisconsin, he may be able to save America too. Wisconsin went from having a deep deficit, to having a huge surplus. He brought businesses back, lowered taxes, didn’t mess with the social engineering. He is for letting people make their own decisions about their social issues. He’s a fiscal conservative. A Constitutionalist and an all around good guy.

 Walker has been vetted by the biggest unions, the whole Dem machine and their leftist media pups. He’s clean. We are fooling ourselves if we don’t think the left will pull the birther card on Cruz. We must know every slight and hint of baggage. The candidate has to beat Hillary and be able to stand up to Putin, Iran, ISIS. A strong VP with military background is a good idea too.

We have to look at each of our candidates clinically. If there is a negative it’s best to know. I guarantee the left will bring it up! Defend them all, but keep the plan. Do not stray. No herding cats this time. There will always be someone who isn’t happy. Happy is not necessarily correct or the smartest plan. Stick to the right plan and we will succeed. Learn by past mistakes and learn from the left. Then use that knowledge.

Too many people have unrealistic expectations.There is a lot to consider. We need to remember the candidate has to appeal to a wide array of people. Forget the hard left, Race first , and radical Dems. They will never vote “R”. Repubs, Independents, Libertarians and a few old school Dems are all needed. They must be included in any strategy. The Millenials are frustrated, but still have their heads in the clouds. We must appeal to them and their parents. It’s about as simple as it sounds.

The day Walker  announces we should all send him $20.16. Have his PAC set up a money bomb with a meter that tells you how much . Make a $1 Mil goal and keep a running tab that people can see.

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